The following videos help to explain particular “Activities” that are introduced in the book and in the online class. These videos are instructional in nature and illustrate you how to use a particular activity introduced in the chapter. These are different than the “Patient Story” videos which introduce particular patients on ADT. If you have been watching those videos, you will recognize some of these men.


Click the image below to watch Harold do a Values Clarification activity. This activity can help you identify areas in your life that are most important to you, and that may be impacted by ADT. We recommended completing a Values Clarification activity at the start of the program and again at the end of the program. You can refer back to this video for instructions on how to complete the activity.


Watch this video to observe the way Harold and Kim used the “Questions for Discussion” sections throughout the workbook. They found the questions helped them talk about important issues that they otherwise might not have explored.


Watch this video to observe Bruce complete an “Action Plan” related to his goal to increase his physical activity. You will see that the “Action Plan” repeated in each chapter. You can refer back to this video for instructions on how to complete an “Action Plan”.


Click the image below to watch Cal complete a Pros/Cons Table related to his decision to change his eating habits. Filling in a Pros/Cons Table is repeated in each chapter. You can refer back to this video for instructions on how to complete this activity.